Children easily become bored on long Journeys, Regardless if it by Road, Sea or Air. WE at RIYAN Productions Give you some simple Kids Travel Games to help wile away the Hours :)
1) Player number one draws a HEAD and top of neck, (don't let the other players see!) He/she folds it down to where just a tiny bit of the neck shows.
2) Player 2 starts off where player one left off.� They draw the shoulders, arms etc down to the bottom of the monsters shirt or waist.� Fold the paper down to where a tiny bit of the bottom of tummy is showing.
3) Player 3 (or go back to player one if there are only 2 people playing!) starts by drawing the hips/skirt/shorts/tops of pants etc.� Fold the paper down so just a bit of the legs, or pants are showing.
4) Next player finishes the legs, pants etc. and draws down to the ankles; fold paper down so just a little of the ankles are showing.
5) Now the player adds feet and folds it down so there is just a bit of white paper showing, so the final person can...
6) add the MONSTER'S NAME!
Picnic Basket starts out as an easy game for all, but soon becomes a memory game to challenge even adults! One person starts by saying, "I'm going on a picnic and in my� basket I have _______."� He then chooses something that starts with the letter A. The second player now says, "I'm going on a picnic and in my basket I have ______ (whatever the 1st player says) and ______ (something that starts with the letter B)."
As the game goes on, each player runs through the alphabet and the list of what's included in the picnic basket gets longer and longer!!� By the time you get to the letter H you might say, "I'm going on a picnic and in my basket are apples, bagels, cookies, dirtcake, eggs, fish-cakes, granola and hotdogs." Anyone who forgets an item is out of the game, and the last person who can complete a list without any mistakes wins.
Write your child's full name on a piece of paper and then have them create as many new words from it, as they can. For example: "Jeremiah" = 'ham', 'mere', 'jam', and so forth.� See who can create the most new words from the one large word.� A favorite word we used to use as children for this game was 'CHRISTMAS'.
This is fun for Church or in the car, or waiting at a restaurant.� In Church, you could use the names of Old Testament prophets, holidays, people, or cities and see how many words the kids can make--quietly of course!� Some examples to use: